Prostatitis men: causes, symptoms, and treatment

A lot of people asking what it is prostatitis. In the course of this term, understand the damage that inflammation of the prostate gland, which is often seen in men after 35 years old.


If you don't start treatment for a condition, there is a high probability of complications, and sexual and reproductive health in the area.

The essence of the pathology.

Under this term is understood inflammation of the prostate gland. It is common to urology breaches. According to statistics, it occurs in about 50% of men, after the age of 50.

The prostate gland is a banded, pre-a muscular organ, which is located in and around the urinary tube. He or she is responsible for the synthesis of competence, which relates to the seeds of the oxygen from the liquid, and to support the rate of the activity of the sperm. This will help to protect them from the harmful effects of external factors.

Prostatitis is an acute and chronic. In the first case, it is the body that fall off harmful bacteria – made, intoxication, Klebsiella and other organisms. The infection occurs through the urethra, the stream of the blood or the lymph.

Causes of

There are many factors that can cause inflammation. The most common causes of prostatitis include the following:

a cause of prostatitis
  1. A poor blood circulation. This causes an increase in the size of the prostate gland. The root cause of the problems is the lack of exercise and excess body weight;
  2. Diseases infectious diseases. The infection is usually due to urethritis or gonorrhea. In the rare cases were the triggering factors that act cold, tonsillitis, tuberculosis;
  3. The inflammation is bacterial. The root cause of the problems is the infiltration of a bacterial infection in the prostate gland. This may occur through the circulation of the blood, lymph and / or during sexual intercourse. The problems can be the bacteria that live on the surface of the human body, or into the abdominal cavity;
  4. Traumatic injury to the pelvis. Also, for the reason that often acts as a violation of the circulation of the blood in the area. It is for this reason that the prostatitis often develops of the drivers, who were exposed to a vibration;
  5. Hypothermia and low physical activity. That is the provocative factor that could act in diseases of the urinary system, hormonal imbalance, and the lack of a systematic approach to sexual relations. It may be due to urinary retention;
  6. In the absence of the financial year. Low levels of physical activity has a negative effect on the function of the endocrine organs, the heart and the blood vessels of the central nervous system. This process is accompanied by violation of the circulation of the blood in the pelvic organs. During hypoxia of tissues in the breast are created, especially in the conditions of the activities, multiplication of the pathogenic micro-organism. These factors lead to the development of prostatitis;
  7. The inflammatory defeat of a direct to the intestines, or the ureter. This violation causes a secondary infection of the prostate gland. It can be either ascending or descending order;
  8. Chronic constipation. Violations of the chair-involve inflammatory changes in the body.

The key reasons for the disease are related to urinary system infection and a number of venereal diseases. These include urethritis, gonorrhea. Teasing out the factors that can even lead to disorders such as chronic bronchitis, dental caries, the pain of angina.

Types of prostatitis

types of prostatitis

The symptoms of prostatitis, it is directly dependent on her as well. The doctors highlight a number of the varieties of the disease, and to each and every one of the characteristics of certain features.


In this form of the disease is usually diagnosed at 21-43 year. In this case, the main symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate gland, which include an increase in the temperature can climb to 40 degrees celsius. Also, in humans, occurs in the general weakness, chills, a violation of urination.

Many times, the patients are suffering violation of erection, pain felt in the groin, purulent, and bloody, the impurities in the urine. The chronic form of the disease have a more weak events. However, in the event of a recurrence of the disease, the symptoms of prostatitis are amplified.


The main manifestation of the disease related to pain in the pelvic region of the sacrum and the groins. The discomfort increases when the training of the motor activity of the body. Also, the disease is characterized by a violation of urination, bleeding of impurities in the urine, increased irritability, weakness of erection.


This form of the disease that is characteristic of the chronic seepage of water. The disease develops when the violation of the blood in the pelvic organs. Also, for the reason that it can be in the stasis of secretions in the prostate gland. Usually, this problem can occur when there is sexual contact.

This form of the disease, suffers from problems with the urine. Also, the man is able to experience the uneasy feelings in the testicles and the groin area. It can raise the temperature of, disturbed, erection develops in a depression.


in the chronic form

Under this term is understood one of the main types of the acute bacterial form of the disease. To purulent prostatitis is typical, a substantial increase of the temperature indicators that can be up to 40 degrees celsius. Also, the person is seen a festering with impurities in the urine, disturbed urination, are expressed by pain in the thigh and in the groin area.

The symptoms of

The symptoms of inflammation of the prostate depends on the stage of the pathology:

  1. Catarrhal. In this case, the person has the symptoms of a rapid urine. You also may have pain when emptying your bladder. The patient will feel discomfort in the groin and sacrum.
  2. The follicular. The pain that is caused become more pronounced, sometimes giving the area of the body, and increases the during bowel movements. This is the stage of the disease, it is accompanied by a violation of urination. For men, urine flows to the fine pattern. Sometimes there is a delay of urine, a little bit of a fever.
  3. Parenchymatous. To it, are the characteristic symptoms of the total of intoxication, a significant increase of the temperature up to 38-40 degrees, and the state of the patient. A person dealing with problems with urination, and there is a sharp pain in the groin. Many times, it is broken down in the bowel movements.

If the weather is not treated, the disease occurs in chronic prostatitis. To him, it was typical, cleared the clinical picture of the. In the rare cases that they were, and the thermal performance increases, even in low light settings.

the symptoms of prostatitis

Many times the condition is the result of a chronic inflammation, which is linked with the infection of a specific infection. It could also be gonorrhea, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas. If this is the case, then the person may be present in a small urethral discharge, feeling of pain in the region of the groin, and the build up of unpleasant feelings when you urinate.

Also, in the chronic form it may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the groin area and the penis. A person, there is an excess of fatigue, sexual violence, dysuria. In case you have problems with potency man is facing mental anxiety, increased anxiety, irritability.

The pain that is caused

The blood does not contain pain receptors. That is the provocative factor for the discomfort is to engage in the abnormal process of the nerve fibers. Those with the chronic form of the disease, are pains in different degrees of intensity, from weak to very strong.

Pain-induced changes in the intensity, and when the abstinence, sexual intercourse, to buy, or an increase in sexual activity. The discomfort occurs in the sacral area, groin, and scrotum. At times it can be felt even in the lower back area.

Dysuric syndrome and

The inflammation causes an increase in the size of the prostate gland, which leads to pressure on the ureter. The lumen gets smaller. In humans, there is an increase in the frequency of urination. You may also experience a feeling of the abandonment of the incomplete of the body.

Normally, dysuric disorders, which manifest themselves in the early stages of the disease. After this occurs, the compensatory hypertrophy of the muscle of the bladder and the ureters. At this time, the signs of dysuria are scanty. When the introduction of specified engines, which, again, are on the rise.

The diagnosis

the diagnosis

To identify the inflammation of the prostate gland, it is necessary to refer to a urologist. Regarding the clinical presentation of the disease, it is not possible to identify the disease, and in the same stage of development. The inflammation and the increase in the size of the prostate gland, you can view it by using the ultra-sound research.

The key diagnostic procedures include the following:

  • Palpation of the prostate, manipulation, running an urologist;
  • Several studies of a urine – generally, cytological, and bacteriological;
  • Microscopic examination of the oxygen in the seminal fluid;
  • A swab from the urethra, – review the secret that is being carried out to assess the composition of the microflora;
  • The analysis of the contents of the DOG during handling to evaluate a specific protein in the prostate gland.

In the majority of cases, the manipulation is very easy. If you have any difficulty in the diagnosis is performed urodynamic study. For this reason, the man is in the hospital.

In the rarest of cases have been implemented in Cytoscape. This does not only apply to the diagnosis. It can also be and strength. The handling it provides for the internal investigation of the bladder and the urethra. When there is no injury, there is no need to perform the procedure.



The methods of treatment of a prostatitis by taking time to reflect on the way in and on the characteristics of the occurrence of reports of the disease. Prostatitis acute, with strong toxicity, febrile status, in violation of well-being.

In this case, the patient may require urgent hospitalization. It shows the introduction of antibacterials in managed funds for a number of years. At a time when other forms of prostatitis, the need for therapy is lacking.

Medical therapy

When the bacterial form of the pathology is recommended, with the application of agents with anti-bacterial drugs. If that is the cause of the disease, not the bacteria, and the application of these methods will not give you the results that you want.

The antibiotics used for the treatment of nearly all acute infections. The drugs, the acute form of the disease, to choose, taking into account the data from the diagnostic studies. The doctor determines the specific type of micro-organism that has fed on the disease and the degree of their sensitivity to the drug.

To deal with the constant aches and pains in the pelvic area and the perineum, for example, demonstrates the use of a muscle relaxant and an alpha-blocker. With the help of antispasmodic tools, and alpha-blockers can relax the muscles of the body are affected, and the urinary bladder. It also facilitates the excretion of urine and to cope with the symptoms of the disease.

For the protection of the tension of the muscle tissue, and correct grip of the prostate gland, inflammatory and for pain relief, your doctor may prescribe injury-a muscle-relaxing drug.

with the introduction of the drug

In complex situations, it is not possible to do so without the introduction of water for a number of years, and the use of water pills (diuretics) drugs. This type of therapy is able to stimulate the excretion of urine, which helps to prevent the poisoning of the body. It is a treatment that prevents you from ascending infection from the bladder.

To eliminate the signals of the non-bacterial form of the disease, the prescribing of analgesic drugs, medicines, antipyretics, long-acting tools. When the constipation, the chronic need to use the sport, some of the fruits are laxative. An effective means is a petroleum jelly oil.

Even if you solve the primary symptoms of acute bacterial diseases, it is important to go through a course of therapy is completely absorbed. If you stop the therapy early, the likelihood of a chronic process. Thereafter prescribed to support the treatment methods.

In some cases, the progression of the pathology, you will need to follow a special diet. It is the exception, and spicy and fatty foods. We also need to quit caffeine. Under such a prohibition, they are, and acidic beverages.

In the state, and for the men to have a positive effect in a systematic and a quick learner. It provides for the drainage of the prostate gland is the secret. The acute violation of urination to impose a temporary suprapubic fistula. It can also be run on a periodic basis a cardiac catheterization.


In the operation, it is recommended that when you do not have the effect of the application of the drug. Also, the indication for the surgical treatment of a prostatitis it is to block the exit of urine from the prostate gland. It is also worth considering that in the younger patients, this method is not recommended because it can cause problems.

the operation

There are several types of services:

  1. Transurethral resection of the body – it involves the removal of the damaged tissue;
  2. Prostatectomy – the procedure to remove the prostate gland and the surrounding tissues. During the handling of the carving, and the seeds of the bubbles. It is a very complex intervention, which is often the cause of the impotence and may cause incontinence.

The consequences

If you do not get the time from the start of therapy, there is a risk of harmful effects to one's health. First of all, the prostatitis is dangerous to the development of tumors. During the training, purulent lesions of the prostate gland increase significantly with the temperature. The heat gives rise to symptoms of shortness of breath.

A sharp pain elicited in the groin, it leads to the impairment of micturition, and defecation. The increase in the swelling of the prostate gland, involves some serious problems with passing urine.

In the rare cases were it occurs regardless of the origin of the abscess, after which they will be absorbed in the intestine, or the ureter.

The spread of bloodborne pathogens infectious to the chronic form of the disease gives rise to cystitis, and pyelonephritis. The frequent consequences of the disease are related to the inflammatory defeat of the egg and its appendages. There is also the risk of the onset of the vesiculitis, which is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles. As a result, each of these cases, it may often occur that a violation of the reproductive functions.

the diet


To prevent the occurrence of short stories from an inflammation, or a relapse of a chronic condition, the need to comply with the recommendations of:

  • To reduce the number of the used alcohol,
  • Systematically, the sports;
  • To prevent hypothermia;
  • Stop smoking;
  • To avoid stressful situations;
  • The time for explaining and talking points on the inflammation, and, above all, this refers to the infection of genital area;
  • Take a shower, and the contrast;
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects;
  • Use barrier methods of birth control;
  • Regularly, to to do sex.
  • Taking vitamin a medications;
  • Practice is the strengthening of the it can increase the immunity;
  • Two times a year to visit a urologist;
  • Properly and to eat in a balanced way.