
The symptoms of prostatitis are similar to each other, the signs of life-threatening diseases. Please familiarize yourself with them and don't put off a visit to the doctor.

the young man

Prostatitis – inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, or prostate gland, especially of the male organ, which is located just below the bladder.

This gland is often referred to as the "second heart", because he or she is responsible for many important functions in the male body.

Prostatitis is a disease that is most common. In the united states, for example, the number of reported cases of prostatitis is eight per cent of all urological diseases.

What is the prostate gland?

The prostate gland provides the following functions:

  • it produces a liquid, forming the molten portion of the semen,
  • that converts testosterone into its active form – dht (dihydrotestosterone),
  • in conjunction with the muscles of the bladder neck is the internal sphincter, which controls urine output,
  • participate in the creation of a feeling than an orgasm.

The first symptoms of prostatitis

The symptoms of the prostatitis: frequent and unbearable urge to urinate, burning pain while urinating, difficulty in passing urine, a feeling of emptying incomplete bladder, pain in the pelvis, groin, and back.

When it gets to the prostatitis?

In one way or the other, and prostatitis occurs in nearly half of the men, after the age of 30 years. But it can appear in younger people is still 18 to 20 years of age and older.

The factors that trigger the development of prostatitis:

  • chronic hypothermia,
  • a delay in the emptying of the bladder,
  • the disturbance of the rhythm of a sexual life (with long periods of abstinence, irregular),
  • the frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected sex,
  • a sedentary lifestyle, is called a breach of the blood - and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs
  • diseases of the urinary system,
  • many of the diseases,
  • smoking and alcohol consumption,
  • the injury
  • disorders, hormones,
  • the poor functioning of the immune system.

Types of prostatitis

The sharp prostatitis-bacterial is called the removal of tissue from the prostate gland by micro-organisms: escherichia coli, pseudomonas wand, Proteus, the Klebsiella - bright.

Many of these bacteria representatives of the burden of the microbiota of the human body, which dwells in the skin and in the gut.

To penetrate into the tissue of the prostate gland, they are, however, capable of triggering an inflammatory process. Often, the bacteria get into the prostate from the bladder, or the urethra.

Symptoms may include:

  • fever and chills,
  • the pain in the region of the prostate gland, groins, and back with
  • an increase in the frequency of urges to urinate, difficulty and pain when passing urine, a feeling of emptying incomplete bladder; blood in the urine
  • premature ejaculation is a painful
  • a decrease in libido and erection quality, due to express the starting point of the pain syndrome, and the poisoning of the body.

If you find yourself in at least one of these symptoms, contact your health care provider right away. Prostatitis, acute requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Of chronic prostatitis, bacterial, sometimes it's a consequence of the acute.

Its appearance can also be caused by injury to the urinary tract, catheterization of the urinary bladder, or infection of other organs.

Symptoms may include:

  • a frequent need to urinate;
  • the pain and burning sensation while passing urine
  • the pain is in the pelvis, perineum,and
  • the night of the year
  • difficulty in passing urine,
  • the presence of blood in the semen,
  • premature ejaculation is a painful
  • small elevations in body temperature.

The symptoms of prostatitis, bacterial develop over time, and a lot of times, by periods of exacerbation interspersed with calm. To delay treatment to the doctor is not a disease that requires specialized treatment.

Chronic abacterial prostatitis, can lead to a number of factors:

  • the lifting of heavy objects with a full bladder, it can cause reflux of urine into the prostate gland),
  • the tightening of the pelvic muscles, which leads to an increase of the pressure in the prostate gland
  • the anatomy of the breach in the system, genito-urinary tract, for example, by a narrowing of channel,urinary
  • the constant breaking of the prostate gland.

The symptoms are similar to symptoms of prostatitis, bacterial. The differences are found only when the laboratory tests for the detection of hiv infection.


The symptoms of prostatitis are similar to each other, the signs of these life-threatening diseases, such as cystitis, bladder cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia.

How to diagnose and effectively treat the disease, and the man who is going through the discomfort associated with urination, or the functions of the organs in the body, you must first consult your doctor.