author Barbara Cimic

Barbara Cimic


  • The most effective folk remedy for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men. Treatment with plant seeds, juices, tinctures, decoctions, as well as other methods of dealing with the disease.
    23 July 2021
  • Prevention of prostatitis in men and its treatment with drugs and folk remedies: quick and cheap drugs, the list.
    16 June 2021
  • The prevention of prostatitis. What is the supplement of the exercise. Secondary prevention of prostatitis.
    2 June 2020
  • The treatment of prostatitis in the home. A variety of prostatitis, folk remedies, of a set of exercises, pumpkin seeds, Shilajit, garlic, disease prevention, and the way of life.
    29 March 2020
  • To warn of the consequences of prostatitis, you should pay more attention to your health, it's time to consult with and be treated by a doctor-urologist. The treatment of prostatitis the house is based on the popular recipes, it will help you to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve vitality.
    23 December 2019